These EPSC promoted webinars are open to the public and free of charge.
Presentations of past webinars can be found here.

Webinar "Increase safety in hydrogen installations by detecting hydrogen leaks by the speed of sound"
Thursday 30 May 2024 from 15:00 - 16:00 (CEST)

This webinar will be facilitated by Distran with Martin Olesen as speaker.

As hydrogen is highly flammable, checking for leaks is an essential step for its safe use. Methods based on gas detection are not adapted to this small but highly flammable molecule, prone to escape. Conventional point gas detectors, used in outdoor hydrogen facilities, will in most cases not be suitable, simply because the leaking hydrogen will disperse very fast, and never reach the point detector in time.

Alternatively, the use of Distran acoustic cameras greatly enhances the response time to hydrogen plants safety systems by allowing an instant detection and a precise pinpointing of hydrogen leaks. In turn, providing an effective monitoring of installations.

Unlike conventional point gas detectors, ultrasound cameras detect gas leaks based on ultrasound they emit, rather than requiring the gas to enter in contact with the detector itself, This technology is a more efficient and reliable approach to safeguarding against potential leak hazards in hydrogen facilities.

Aspects to be discussed in an interactive setting

  • How to ensure safety on your hydrogen premises
  • Discover a new technology to get an early detection of leaks and their accurate location

You can register free of charge using the online registration form. You will receive a confirmation email with the link (Microsoft Teams) to join.

EPSC Learning Sheet

The Learning Sheets are meant to stimulate discussion on important process safety topics at operational sites and to improve competency & awareness. Latest topic: Leaking Bellow. Subscribe to our Learning Sheet Mailing List here.